Vấn đề 1Lựa chọnWhat is not included in the 4 reason we are better togetherIncrease participationIncrease productivityIncrease protectionIncrease passion
Vấn đề 2Lựa chọnWhat is not included in the 6 Importance of Mission and Values VisionFocusUnityOwnership
Vấn đề 4đáp ngắnGive the 5 Values of Victory (use comma after every words).Lordship, Evangelism, Discipleship. Leadership, Family. Gợi ý (text)2L,E, F
Vấn đề 5đáp ngắnWhat is the first sentence of the Gospel (By Dr. Rice Broocks)“The gospel is the good news that God became man in Jesus Christ. Gợi ý (text)“The gospel is the ...
Vấn đề 9đáp ngắnWhy do we exist? (Every Nation Mission Statement)We exist to honor God by establishing Christ centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.