Who would win
Sports Festival
Xato javobga ruxsat berish - Javobni ko'rsatish
Ommaviylik holati - ochiq

Qo'shilgan muammo (5)

muammo 1
Tanlov turi

Why do people prefer online shopping over traditional shopping?

a) It is more expensive.
b) It is more convenient and time-saving.
c) It has fewer product choices.
d) It requires traveling to a store.
muammo 2
Tanlov turi

What is the best way to solve the problem of plastic waste?

a) Use more plastic bags
b) Burn plastic waste in open areas
c) Recycle and use eco-friendly alternatives.
d) Ignore the problem.
muammo 3
Tanlov turi

How does exercise benefit mental health?

a) It helps reduce stress and anxiety.
b) It makes people feel tired all the time.
c) It has no effect on the brain.
d) It makes people more aggressive.
muammo 4
Tanlov turi

Which action would be the most effective in saving electricity at home?

a) Leaving lights on all the time.
b) Using energy-efficient appliances.
c) Keeping the refrigerator door open.
d) Watching TV all day.
muammo 5
Tanlov turi

Why is it important to think before posting something online?

a) Because everything online stays forever and can affect our reputation.
b) Because no one will ever see our posts.
c) Because the internet automatically deletes all posts after one day.
d) Because online posts have no impact on real life.
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