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Animals Quiz
030 Navaphan
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Qo'shilgan muammo (5/ 20)
Iltimos, noto'g'ri javobga ruxsat bering,Javobni yashirish
public quiz
muammo 1
Tanlov turi

Which of the following animals is known for its ability to fly?

A) Elephant
B) Penguin
C) Eagle
D) Tiger
muammo 2
Tanlov turi

Which animal is the largest mammal on Earth?

A) Blue Whale
B) African Elephant
C) Giraffe
D) Rhinoceros
muammo 3
Tanlov turi

What is a baby cat called?

A) Calf
B) Kitten
C) Puppy
D) Cub
muammo 4
Tanlov turi

What is a baby sheep called?

A) Lamb
B) Calf
C) Kid
D) Foal
muammo 5
Tanlov turi

Which animal is known for producing honey?

A) Butterfly
B) Bee
C) Ant
D) Spider
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