Yopiq viktorina.
Bu viktorina Pro maxsus xaritalarini o'z ichiga oladi, shuning uchun hozirda kirish va ulashish mumkin emas.
Pro Plan uchun maxsus xaritalar asosida tayyorlangan viktorina
Angel vs Devil - Farishta vs Iblis
Jamoaviy O'yin
compound sentence
Jassadar Milam
not tanlangan
Til san'ati
Qo'shilgan muammo (9/ 20)
Iltimos, noto'g'ri javobga ruxsat bering,Javobni yashirish
public quiz
muammo 1

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: The sun was shining. It was still cold.

The sun was shining, but it was still cold.
muammo 2

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: She studied hard. She passed the exam.

She studied hard, and she passed the exam.
muammo 3

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: He likes pizza. He does not like pasta.

He likes pizza, but he does not like pasta.
muammo 4

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: The movie was long. It was entertaining.

The movie was long, but it was entertaining.
muammo 5

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: We could go to the park. We could watch a movie.

We could go to the park, or we could watch a movie.
muammo 6

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: She was tired. She continued to work.

She was tired, but she continued to work.
muammo 7

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: It was raining. We decided to go hiking.

It was raining, but we decided to go hiking.
muammo 8

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: The book was interesting. I finished it quickly.

The book was interesting, and I finished it quickly.
muammo 9

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: She loves music. She cannot play any instruments.

She loves music, but she cannot play any instruments.
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