Yopiq viktorina.
Bu viktorina Pro maxsus xaritalarini o'z ichiga oladi, shuning uchun hozirda kirish va ulashish mumkin emas.
Pro Plan uchun maxsus xaritalar asosida tayyorlangan viktorina
compound sentence
Jassadar Milam
Angel vs Devil
Xato javobga ruxsat berish - Javob ko'rsatilmagan
Ommaviylik holati - ochiq

Qo'shilgan muammo (9)

muammo 1

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: The sun was shining. It was still cold.

The sun was shining, but it was still cold.
muammo 2

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: She studied hard. She passed the exam.

She studied hard, and she passed the exam.
muammo 3

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: He likes pizza. He does not like pasta.

He likes pizza, but he does not like pasta.
muammo 4

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: The movie was long. It was entertaining.

The movie was long, but it was entertaining.
muammo 5

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: We could go to the park. We could watch a movie.

We could go to the park, or we could watch a movie.
muammo 6

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: She was tired. She continued to work.

She was tired, but she continued to work.
muammo 7

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: It was raining. We decided to go hiking.

It was raining, but we decided to go hiking.
muammo 8

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: The book was interesting. I finished it quickly.

The book was interesting, and I finished it quickly.
muammo 9

Combine two clauses to form a sentence: She loves music. She cannot play any instruments.

She loves music, but she cannot play any instruments.
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