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Qo'shilgan muammo (10/ 20)
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public quiz
muammo 1
Tanlov turi

Which sentence uses the simple past tense correctly?

I am going to the store yesterday.
I went to the store yesterday.
I will go to the store yesterday.
I am went to the store yesterday.
muammo 2
Tanlov turi

Identify the sentence that uses the past continuous tense:

She was singing when I arrived.
She sings when I arrived.
She will sing when I arrived.
She sang when I arrived.
muammo 3
Tanlov turi

Which of these sentences is in the past perfect tense?

I have finished my homework.
I had finished my homework before dinner.
I will have finished my homework.
I finish my homework before dinner.
muammo 4
Tanlov turi

Choose the sentence that uses the past perfect continuous tense:

They have been playing for hours.
They had been playing for hours when it started to rain.
They are playing for hours.
They will be playing for hours.
muammo 5
Tanlov turi

Which sentence correctly uses the past tense?

We are watched the movie.
We watched the movie.
We were watched the movie.
We watch the movie.
muammo 6
Tanlov turi

Identify the sentence using the past continuous tense:

He was reading a book when I called.
He reads a book when I called.
He has read a book when I called.
He read a book when I called.
muammo 7
Tanlov turi

Which of the following sentences uses the past perfect tense?

By the time she arrived, we finished the meal.
By the time she arrived, we had finished the meal.
By the time she arrived, we finish the meal.
By the time she arrived, we are finishing the meal.
muammo 8
Tanlov turi

Choose the sentence that uses the past perfect continuous tense:

I have been studying for hours.
I had been studying for hours before the test started.
I am studying for hours.
I studied for hours.
muammo 9
Tanlov turi

Which sentence uses the past continuous tense?

They were playing soccer when it started to rain.
They played soccer when it started to rain.
They play soccer when it started to rain.
They have played soccer when it started to rain.
muammo 10
Tanlov turi

Identify the sentence that uses the simple past tense:

She was cooking dinner.
She cooked dinner.
She is cooking dinner.
She cooks dinner.
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