muammo 1Tanlov turiWhat is not included in the 4 reason we are better togetherIncrease participationIncrease productivityIncrease protectionIncrease passion
muammo 2Tanlov turiWhat is not included in the 6 Importance of Mission and Values VisionFocusUnityOwnership
muammo 4javobGive the 5 Values of Victory (use comma after every words).Lordship, Evangelism, Discipleship. Leadership, Family. izoh (text)2L,E, F
muammo 5javobWhat is the first sentence of the Gospel (By Dr. Rice Broocks)“The gospel is the good news that God became man in Jesus Christ. izoh (text)“The gospel is the ...
muammo 9javobWhy do we exist? (Every Nation Mission Statement)We exist to honor God by establishing Christ centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.