문제 9선택형방에 거울이 두개있어요 를 영어로 하면? There are two mirrors in the room. There are two mirror in the room. There is two mirrors in the room. There are two mirrors in room.
문제 10선택형내가 이 책을 빌려도 될까? 를 영어로 하면? Can I burrow this book?Can I borrow this book?Can I borrow those book?Can I borrow this books?
문제 12선택형'방에 비누 두 개가 있어' 를 영어로 하면? There are two soap in the room.There is two soaps in the room.There are two soaps in the room.This are two soaps in the room.
문제 13선택형'테이블에 쿠키가 많이 있어' 를 영어로 하면? There are many cookies on the table.There is many cookies on the table.There are much cookies on the table.There are money cookies on the table.