문제 4선택형너는 몇시에 집에오니? 가 영어로 무엇일까요What time do you get homeWhat time do you go to homeWhat time do you go to schoolI don't know
문제 5선택형넌 몇시에 일어나니?를 영어로 뭐라고 쓸까요I don't knowwhat time DO YOU GET UP?What time do you get up?What time do you go to school?WHAT TIME DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL¿
문제 6선택형넌 몇시에 학교에 가니를 영어로 쓴것은 무엇인가요What time do you go to shcoolWait 5ime ot schoolWhat time do you get to schoolWhat time do you go to school?