masalah 1jawapan pendekBionics technology / develop / scientists around the worldBionics technology is being developed by scientists around the world
masalah 2jawapan pendekUS army / Nanomachine weapons / testNanomachine weapons is being tested by the US armyNanomachine weapons is being tested by US army
masalah 3jawapan pendekResearch / immortality pills / a group of scientists from JapanImmortality pills is being researched by a group of scientists from Japan
masalah 4jawapan pendekExoskeleton suit / develop / a scientist named HueyExoskeleton suit is being developed by a scientist named Huey
masalah 5jawapan pendektest / flying cars / Indonesian governmentFlying cars is being tested by the Indonesian governmentFlying cars is being tested by Indonesian government
masalah 11pilihanThe ___ tech startup is revolutionizing the way we use artificial intelligence.High-techTop-tech
masalah 13pilihanThe ____ speed train reduced the travel time between cities by half.High speedTop speed