problème 1sélectionnéWhich of the following words, if inserted in the blank, would best complete the analogy? Mitigate : Aggravate :: Mollify : ________PlacateIncenseAppeaseInfuriate indice (text)make (someone) angry
problème 2réponse courteSynonym for "Enigmatic"Cryptic indice (text)Starts with a "C" and ends with a "C"
problème 3BOEUFA non sequitur is a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.O
problème 4sélectionnéChoose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word "Expatiate":ElaborateCondenseElucidateExpound
problème 5réponse courteOne-word term for a statement that is seemingly self-contradictory but may be trueParadox indice (text)Starts with a "P" and ends with an "X"
problème 6BOEUFA red herring is a logical fallacy that introduces irrelevant information to divert attention from the main issue.O
problème 7sélectionnéThe phrase "ad hominem" is an argumentative strategy that involves:Appealing to popular opinionAttacking an opponent's characterMisrepresenting an opponent's argumentCiting irrelevant information indice (text)relates to personality
problème 8réponse courteA single word that means "a statement that is not literally true but expresses a deeper truth"Aphorism indice (text)an example: “For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable.”
problème 9BOEUFIn propositional logic, the law of excluded middle states that for any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation is true.O
problème 10sélectionnéWhich of the following is NOT a valid form of deductive reasoning?Modus ponensModus tollensHasty generalizationHypothetical syllogism indice (text)don't be too quick!